Monday, September 01, 2008

And now for something completely different

For the next few months, I am going to take this blog in a different direction. I've decided to play with one of my favorite "geeknesses" ("geek" + "weakness" = "geekness") and see where it leads me.

I've been using various time management techniques my entire life. Each year I refine the system a bit more. Right now, I use a Personal size Filofax for managing my yearly goals, projects and daily to do lists. I also have a smaller wallet/planner that I carry with me everywhere I go to jot down notes and dates that I then transfer to my Filofax.

Being a systems person, I've been working on various tweaks. Right now, I'm working on a new insert that would allow me to track, on a daily basis, my progress on my fitness and eating goals. I don't know if this will blossom into a business, but I'm having tremendous fun with it.

So please bear with me while I play with this idea and share what I find.

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