Saturday, August 09, 2008


All year I've struggled with my goals. At the end of last year, I did my usual writing of goals, put them in the monthly section of my planner. And there they sat, getting moved from month to month, with very little done towards them.

They were all very good goals, but I came to realize I hadn't built them out of enthusiasm, but from figuring they were the next steps I "should" do.

So I finally decided to scrap the "old" 2008 goals and start afresh for the last quarter of the year. And I am creating only goals that I feel enthusiastic about. One of them is my business plan. I am going back to a business plan that I have had in the back of my head for years. It's not a plan that will make me a millionaire, but it's something that makes my brain tingle and I love working on it.

Here's to enthusiasm!

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