Wednesday, December 07, 2005


I'm sitting at a local coffee house playing around with ideas of how I want 2006 to look. I have finally embraced at least part of my next step-- I need to do whatever it takes to finish my novel by the end of 2006.

It's one thing to have a big resolution like that, but really what does that look like? How will that affect my daily life? What does it mean to follow through with my calling to be a storyteller?

So after I write down the big goals, I break it down into bite size pieces. Like taking one night of the week to go somewhere and write for a few hours. And instead of waiting until after the New Year to get started with this resolution, I am starting tonight. Because really, when you think about it, it's kind of silly to wait for some random milestone to really commit oneself to acheiving a cherished goal.

I hope that sometime in the rush of the holiday insanity you'll take sometime to sit and think, How do I want my life in 2006 to look?

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