Friday, July 29, 2005

Friday Fun

I just stumbled across a very cool website that is worth checking out:

The basic premise is you register your information then request info on sending a postcard to someone somewhere in the world. Eventually someone will get your info and send off a postcard that will just show up in your mailbox! And who doesn't love getting something unexpected AND fun in the mailbox?!

Your address isn't posted on the site, but sent to someone who requests an address to send a postcard to. You can request up to three addresses at a time.

Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Message in a Bottle

I feel like this is a message in a bottle and I'm hoping it washes up on a shore where someone will read the message and it will be something they have been longing to hear.

I have read plenty of self help books over the years. My daily life is well balanced and there is plenty in all areas of my life. I have dealt with painful past events and forgiven those who have harmed me. My health is good and ever day I give thanks for the happy accident of fate that gave me such a prosperous and secure life.

And, yet. . .I ask myself, is this the best use of my life and my gifts? Am I on the right path, making the most of this brief life? Can I make more of an offering to the world and my destiny? Should I be directing my energies in a way that is more in keeping with my deepest yearnings?

Then I feel that I have been given so much and have a life millions would love to have that it is sheer selfishness that makes me hanker for more. Why should I yearn for more when so many have so little? Why should I be discontented with such plenty.

The wheel turns and then I feel that I am a caterpillar outgrowing its chrysalis and must go ont its next stage or die. Or a snake that has grown too big for its old skin, that served its purpose and now must be shed. This matter can be questioned and contemplated, but it just is and must be dealt with.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


A few weeks ago, I came up with idea of making a magazine for people who are looking to change their lives, especially in the direction of getting off the corporate treadmill and following their true soul's calling. I quickly realized that a magazine is a pretty daunting undertaking, but I still want to share with likeminded souls the resources I have been unearthing. Then I had a BGO (Blinding Glimpse of the Obvious)-- I could easily do it in blog form!

Today's resource: I recently discovered, a resource that offers workshops, a newsletter and all sorts of real life stories of those who have made their dreams come true.

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