Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Day of the Dead

Today is the Day of the Dead, the Mexican holiday that commemorates those who have passed on before us.

Every year I build an altar to memorialize the dead who are important to me. I have a section for family, a section for the animals I have loved, and a section for my heroes, the people whose lives and contributions inspire me every day. Some of the people in the "Heroes" section of my altar:

Laura Ingalls Wilder, whose books were among the first to make me realize other people had lived before me and had compelling stories to tell.

Dan Eldon, the young journalist who wrote and illustrated incredibly detailed diaries. His life and work inspires me to continue to chronicle my life and to live every day to the fullest, no matter where I am.

Joseph Campbell, my "guru" was the first person I ever heard articulate beliefs I had had about the nature of God that ran counter to everything I had ever been taught in church, but instinctively understood to be true.

Marguerite Henry, another author who wrote books I read over and over again when I was a child. She was also the first person to give me feedback on my writing and I treasure the letters she wrote me.

Daniel Pearl, another journalist. He exemplified everything I love about the best journalists: compassion, curiosity and the generous desire to share truths with the world.

Rosa Parks, whose seemingly small act of resistance changed the world. She reminds me that we can all change the world, even with small actions.

Some of my friends who aren't familiar with the idea of Day of the Dead find it morbid. But I find it comforting to take a special time to remember those who have died and honor their memories with a creative work.

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