Friday, October 06, 2006


No huge progress to report, just that I am managing to get up every morning to edit for half an hour to an hour and am expecting to acheive my goal of a workable second draft before the end of the year. I have also been playing with the concept inspired by a conversation on my retreat. It started out as one thing, a typical chick lit novel, but the character I found most compelling was an elderly Hispanic woman, a pivotal yet fairly minor character, and I am now trying to hear her story.

I told a friend recently that I often wonder if creative ideas exist on a separate dimension and the artist can tap into this dimension, but she can't always control what will fall into her grasp. I have often been puzzled by the projects that grab me, they usually involve characters that are far out of my realm of experience, but I feel their stories need to be told. That's the beauty of the creative process-- we don't know where it will lead us!

I'm hoping you're making good progress with your projects and finding joy in them!

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